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2023-06-07 10:21:41 来源:哔哩哔哩

反恐精英2(CS2)2023年6月7日更新日志 翻译:@内格夫CSGO 



- Mirage has replaced Dust II on official Counter-Strike 2 Limited Test matchmaking servers. 


- 荒漠迷城已经在CS2限量测试的官匹服务器上取代炙热沙城2;


- Introducing Counter-Strike 2 Workshop Tools which can be enabled and downloaded from in-game settings menu - these tools will allow community contributors to create weapon finishes, stickers, and maps.- Note: the Steam Community Workshop does not yet support uploading CS2 maps.- The level editor (Hammer) now leverages GPU accelerated raytracing to both preview and bake lighting for CS2 maps. This significantly speeds up compile times, but as a result a GPU capable of raytracing is required for Hammer to be fully functional.- Hammer GPU Minimum Specs:- Nvidia 2060Ti 6gb (2080Ti+ recommended)- AMD 6600XT (6800XT+ recommended)


- 现推出CS2创意工坊工具,可在游戏内设置菜单中启用并下载——这些工具允许社区贡献者创作武器皮肤、印花和地图;- 注意:Steam社区创意工坊暂不支持上传CS2地图;- 地图编辑器(Hammer)现在可将GPU加速光追用于CS2地图的预览和灯光烘焙。这显著缩短了编译时间,但需要具备光追功能的GPU来实现Hammer的全部功能。- Hammer编辑器所需的GPU最低规格:- Nvidia 2060Ti 6GB(推荐2080Ti以上)- AMD 6600XT(推荐6800XT以上)


- The player loadout has been revised:- Players have 1 Starting Pistol slot, 4 Pistol slots, 5 Mid-tier slots (previously "SMGs" and "Heavy"), and 5 Rifle slots, per team.- Assign any (side-appropriate) weapon to any slot within its category.- Supports drag-and-drop and has been redesigned to fit in on a single screen.


- 玩家的武器装备配置界面现已修正:- 玩家在每个阵营拥有1个初始手枪槽位、4个手枪槽位、5个“中等”槽位(包括之前的“微型冲锋枪”和“重型武器”)以及5个步枪槽位;- 您可以将任何(阵营允许的)武器分配至其类别中的任意槽位;- 支持拖放操作,并且经过重新设计,以适应单个屏幕;

- The in-game buy menu interface has been revised:- The wheel has been replaced with a grid showing all purchase options at the same time.- Teammate purchases are displayed on the buy menu.- Weapon "stats" display has been replaced with simple straightforward descriptions.- Players can now refund any purchase that was purchased in the same round and has not been used.

- 游戏内的购买菜单界面现已修正:- 轮盘菜单已被替换为网格菜单,可同时显示所有购买选项;- 队友购买的物品会显示在购买菜单上;- 武器“统计”界面已经被简洁明了的描述所取代;- 玩家可以将当回合内购买且并未使用的物品退款;

- Existing CS:GO items on the Steam Community Market can be inspected in Counter-Strike 2.

- Steam社区市场上待售的CS:GO物品现在可以在CS2中检视;


- Sub-tick movement is now more precise and less "floaty" (per player-feedback)- Releasing movement keys now correctly convey their sub-tick timing.- The top player of a triple-stack can now shoot.- Fine-tuned weapon aim punch recovery to be latency-independent during sub-tick recovery on the client.- Fine-tuned view punch camera shake effect during shooting to be both latency-independent and synchronized with all other sub-tick shooting effects on the client.


- Sub-Tick移动现在更加精确,并且“浮动”更少(根据玩家反馈)- 释放移动按键时,现在可以正确传达它的Sub-Tick时间;- 三架最上面的玩家现在可以开枪;- 微调了武器瞄准的中弹恢复,使其在客户端的Sub-Tick恢复期间不受延迟影响;- 微调了射击过程中的中弹视角抖动效果,使其不受延迟影响,并且与客户端上的所有其他Sub-Tick射击效果同步;


- Improved lighting/rendering when smoke overlaps multiple distinctly lit regions.- HE grenade effect times on smoke has been reduced.- Shotguns now create larger holes in smoke volumes.


- 改进了烟雾与多个明显照明区域重叠时的照明/渲染效果;- 减少了高爆手雷对烟雾的影响时间;- 霰弹枪现在可以在烟雾体积中制造更大的洞;


- Adjustments to the viewmodel 'inspect' to remove animation popping.- Several viewmodel and blending animation fixes.- Improved traversal animation.- Jumping into the air and running off a ledge is now differentiated to allow for separate character motion.


- 调整了视图模型的“检视”,以去除动画弹出;- 修复了多个视图模型和混合动画;- 改进了遍历过程动画;- 跳入空中和从窗台跳出被定义为有区别,从而允许单独的角色动作;


- Player's own footstep sounds are now predicted on the client for a latency-independent experience.


- 玩家自己的脚步声现在可以在客户端预测,以获得不受延迟影响的体验;


- Improved performance and responsiveness in windowed and full-screen windowed modes.- Fixed several bugs and rendering artifacts.


- 改进了窗口模式和全屏窗口模式下的性能和响应速度;- 修复了多处错误和渲染伪影;


- Fixed bug that would cause input to become permanently broken when multiple commands were bound to one key. Multi-binds are back, except for jump-throw binds (which are now a skillful part of CS)- Commands bound to mouse wheels will now be reliably executed.- Fixed bug that would cause input to execute incorrectly after taking over a bot in practice mode.- Inspecting weapons is now predicted on the client for a more responsive experience.


- 修复了当多个命令绑定到同一个按键上时,可能导致输入永久中断的错误;多重绑定现已恢复,除了跳投绑定(现在已经是CS技巧的一部分)- 绑定在鼠标滚轮上的命令现在将被可靠地执行;- 修复了在练习模式下接管BOT之后输入不被正确执行的错误;- 检视武器现在可以在客户端预测,以获得响应速度更快的体验;


- VAC will now live ban and gracefully terminate the match at the end of the round (unless it was the last round and the cheater lost)- The match will not affect any participants' Skill Group.- Players that were not lobbied with the VAC-banned player will earn XP for match.


- VAC现在会在回合结束时进行实时封禁,并“优雅地终止比赛”(除非是最后一回合,且作弊者输了)- 被VAC中断的比赛不会影响任何参与者的官匹段位;- 没有与被VAC者一起组排的玩家将获得该场比赛的经验值。


